@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001356, author = {倉元, 綾子 and 佐々木, 和子 and 水島, かな江 and 井上, えり子 and 永藤, 清子 and 朴木, 佳緒留 and KURAMOTO, Ayako and SASAKI, Kazuko and MIZUSHIMA, Kanae and INOUE, Eriko and EITOH, Kiyoko and HOUNOKI, Kaoru}, month = {Dec}, note = {We confirmed the bibliographic notes of literature on "home economics, home life and history of life", "economics of home", "family, home and marriage" and "home science" before World War II. The literature were picked up from "KASEIGAKU-SEIRITSU-SHI" written by TUNEMI and 25 books on philosophy of home economics. The results were as follows : (1) 82%, 314 literature of 382 objects were confirmed. (2) 91% of 382 objects had some unsatisfactory or mistaken notes. 85% of publishers, 33% of published year, 24% of title and 5% of editors or authors, had the unsatisfatory or mistaken notes. (3) 189 literature which had the unsatisfactory or mistaken notes except publishers only, were listed with supplied or revised., 7, KJ00000066278}, pages = {45--59}, title = {戦前家政学関係文献一覧 : 不十分な記載と誤りの補足訂正}, volume = {45}, year = {1994}, yomi = {クラモト, アヤコ and ササキ, カズコ and ミズシマ, カナエ and イノウエ, エリコ and エイトウ, キヨコ and ホウノキ, カオル} }