@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001352, author = {田中, 稔次朗 and 藤坂, 博一 and TANAKA, Toshijiro and FUJISAKA, Hirokazu}, month = {Dec}, note = {Large spatial-fluctuations of local magnetizations in the Ising chain are studied from the rigorous treatment of the fluctuation spectrum and the generalized spatial correlations. It is shown that at low temperatures the functions relevant to the large fluctuations satisfy scaling laws near a certain characteristic value q_* of the intensive variable q relevant to the present approach., 3, KJ00000066274}, pages = {1--14}, title = {局所磁化の大きなゆらぎ}, volume = {45}, year = {1994}, yomi = {タナカ, トシジロウ and フジサカ, ヒロカズ} }