@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001335, author = {釜田, 忠 and シンプソン, K.L. and KAMATA, Tadashi and SIMPSON, Kenneth L.}, month = {Dec}, note = {1. The pink-red coloration of the flesh of salmonids is due to carotenoids, especially astaxanthin, and is an important factor to evaluate marketing value of cultured salmonids. For many years fish technologists and scientists have endeavored to enhance the coloration of salmonids through the use of crustacean waste, yeast, algae, flower patels and synthetic carotenoids. 2. Synthetic canthaxanthin and astaxanthin are the two most effecient carotenoids for pigmenting salmonids, and are now widly used in salmonids culture. 3. The metabolism of astaxanthin in salmonids has been studied. The reductive metabolism of astaxanthin to β-carotene have been proposed. The proposed pathways are ; Astaxanthin→idoxanthin→adonixanthin→zeaxanthin, and Canthaxanthin→4-hydroxyechinenone→echinenone→β-carotene. 4. One of well-known functions of carotenoids in fish is pro-vitamin A activity. Salmonid fish are able to convert β-carotene, canthaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin, into vitamin A., 4, KJ00000066257}, pages = {11--39}, title = {A Study of Astaxanthin : Its Application for the Pigmentation of Salmonid Fish}, volume = {43}, year = {1992}, yomi = {カマタ, タダシ} }