@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001311, author = {田中, 稔次朗 and 長野, 眞人 and 濱川, 恭央 and 倉元, 三七子 and 広岡, 繁 and TANAKA, Toshijiro and NAGANO, Masato and HAMAKAWA, Yasuo and KURAMOTO, Minako and HIROOKA, Shigeru}, month = {Dec}, note = {Fluctuation effects of the superconducting order parameter and the critical temperature in a high-T_c oxide superconductors are investigated in connection with the mass-enhancement effect on the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory and the Gaussian fluctuation theory. Large fluctuations of the order parameter caused by strong electron correlation play an essential role in the determination of T_c in high-T_c oxide superconductors., 4, KJ00000066233}, pages = {5--13}, title = {酸化物高温超伝導体におけるオーダーパラメータのゆらぎと臨界温度}, volume = {41}, year = {1990}, yomi = {タナカ, トシジロウ and ナガノ, マサト and ハマカワ, ヤスオ and クラモト, ミナコ and ヒロオカ, シゲル} }