@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001302, author = {岡本, 紀子 and 山下, 真美 and OKAMOTO, Noriko and YAMASHITA, Mami}, month = {Dec}, note = {In a sensory test we examined variations of sleeve cap points fit for the form of drooping arms from the point of adaptability of motions. The results were as in the following : 1) In the slant form between the rear slant 2° and the front slant 4° it is better to displace the sleeve cap points forwards. The maximum of variations was about 1.7 cm. 2) In the front slant angles of drooping arms 5°~ 6° variation of sleeve cap points was about 0 cm. 3) In the slant form of more than 7° forwards it is better to displace the sleeve cap points rearwards. The variations were almost in proportion to the slant angles of drooping arms, and the maximum was about 2 cm., 5, KJ00000066224}, pages = {15--22}, title = {上肢形態と袖の適合性(第2報) : 下垂形態における袖山位置の変位量と機能性}, volume = {40}, year = {1989}, yomi = {オカモト, ノリコ and ヤマシタ, マミ} }