@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001292, author = {大山, 重信 and 花園, 冬子 and OOYAMA, Shigenobu and HANAZONO, Fuyuko}, month = {Dec}, note = {Karukan is one of the typical Japanese style confections. It is produced and sold by many companies in Kagoshima district. But, every product seems to be somewhat different in its taste and texture. So, the anthors planed to test consumer's preference as well as its physical properties. In this paper, some physical properties of six "Karukan" samples are given. Moisture, sweetness, propousness, and whiteness were measured. Texture of the samples was also investigated with rheometer, extension meter, and texturometer. Difference in obtained values was considered to have relations directly with the difference in the taste and palatability of the samples. But, on the whole, there was no sample which got good remark all round., 6, KJ00000066214}, pages = {27--36}, title = {かるかんの物性について}, volume = {39}, year = {1988}, yomi = {オオヤマ, シゲノブ and ハナゾノ, フユコ} }