@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001270, author = {田中, 稔次朗 and TANAKA, Toshijiro}, month = {Dec}, note = {The chatotic behavior and limit cycle behavior of anharmonic systems with nonlinear damping are investigated. The dynamical equation was numerically solved for the phase portraits and the temporal evolution of x as a function of the amplitude of the external periodic field. It is also shown that the chaos-chaos transition occurs in our systems., 7, KJ00000066192}, pages = {33--39}, title = {非線形減衰をもつ非調和系のカオスおよびリミット・サイクル的挙動}, volume = {37}, year = {1986}, yomi = {タナカ, トシジロウ} }