@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001268, author = {石橋, 博 and 濱崎, 洋子 and ISHIBASHI, Hiroshi and HAMASAKI, Yoko}, month = {Dec}, note = {Test methods and criteria to evaluate the flammability of 100% polyester fabrics for apparel have been studied. Char length and flame-dripping characteristics were measured by a modified FF 3-71 and its stitching methods. Ease of ignition, flame propagation time, rate of heat transfer and flame-dripping characteristics were measured by a modified Mushroom Apparel Flammability Tester method. A modified FF 3-71 method and its criteria are liable to overlook the flame-dripping characteristics of the lightweight polyester fabrics. A modified FF 3-71 stitching method and its criteria are suitable for the pass/fail testing of the flame retardant apparel. A modified Musuroom Apparel Flammability Tester method and its criteria are appropriate to determine the flammability classification of polyester fabrics for apparel., 5, KJ00000066190}, pages = {15--27}, title = {衣服用ポリエステル布地の燃焼性評価}, volume = {37}, year = {1986}, yomi = {イシバシ, ヒロシ and ハマサキ, ヨウコ} }