@article{oai:k-kentan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001259, author = {石橋, 博 and 村田, 博司 and ISHIBASHI, Hiroshi and MURATA, Hiroshi}, month = {Dec}, note = {Flammability of the Oshima-Tsumugi was evaluated with Mushroom Apparel Flammability test, DOC FF 3-71 test, JIS L 1O91 A-4 test and Oxygen Index test. Mud mordanting was found to effect an increase in the flame retardancy of silk. The mud-dyed Oshima-Tsumugi did not propagate flame but char on exposure to flames and meet the severe requirements of the framed vertical strip test DOC FF 3-71 and JIS L 1091 A-4. The Oxygen Index value of the mud-dyed Oshima-Tsumugi is 27.7~28.5 which is sufficient to meet a vertical flame test. From the results of atomic absorption analysis, thermal analysis (DTA, TG) and scanning electron microscopy of the Oshima-Tsumugi, the flame resistance of the mud-dyed Oshima-Tsumugi is presumed to be due to the charring-promoting effect of iron salt during the pyrolysis of silk and the covering effect of surface deposition of calcium tannate and clay., 3, KJ00000066181}, pages = {1--19}, title = {大島紬の燃焼性の研究}, volume = {36}, year = {1985}, yomi = {イシバシ, ヒロシ and ムラタ, ヒロシ} }